September concert at St. Mary in the Marsh, a fundraiser

On 7th September, a concert at the church of St. Mary the Virgin, will help raise funds for ongoing repairs to the church. Organist Dean Hayward will be joined by the Saltwood Handbell ringers.

The concert starts at 7:30pm. Tickets cost £10 and can be booked via Roger Constable (

Wine and light refreshments will be served and a raffle will also be held.

The concert supports ongoing work to repair the fabric of the church. Repairs to the pews, roof joists and the valley gutter have almost reached conclusion. The ceiling boards have been fitted which means that the scaffolding within the church should soon be removed. The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust are supporting the work, but the church still needs to raise around £10,000 to complete payment for this emergency work. In addition, damaged tiles on the Sanctuary roof need to be replaced before the worst of the autumnal weather sets in.


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